IAW 2018 Overall winners

INTERNATIONAL ANGLING WEEK 2018                                                  



1st          Sean Copley       240         Pts         

2nd        Joe Ryan              235         Pts         

3rd         Joseph Birney    206         Pts         

4th         Conor O’Leary    183         Pts         

5th         Joe Birney           174         Pts         

6th         Kevin Quinn        149         Pts         

7th         Eamonn McDonald          149         Pts         

8th         Cian Egan             140         Pts         

9th         Liam Byrne         130         Pts         

10th       Ray Corlett          126         Pts         


Joseph Casey “Lighthouse Cup”                 Ian Ashcroft       118         Pts         


B.Juv     Fionn Byrne        106         Pts         

2nd        Bobby Wylde     81           Pts         

3rd         Sean Breen         39           Pts         


Bill Rothwell Trophy  –  Heaviest fish of the Week.

Conor O’Leary    5.2          Kgs         Conger


Best Team           Joe Ryan                                             

                               Joseph Birney   526         Pts         

                               James Linnane                                 


Burren Cup         Eamonn McDonald          149         Pts         

Bobby Browne Cup   – Best Overseas angler.      

                                                   Kevin Quinn                 


Est. 1960